Kratom, The New No1 Product for Myofascial Pain?

Are you suffering from Myofascial pain, a condition that causes discomfort and muscle tightness? Are you tired of relying on traditional medicine for relief with little or no success? Look no further than Kratom! This natural herb has been gaining popularity as an effective remedy for Myofascial pain. In this article, we will explore what Kratom is, how it helps with Myofascial Pain, the different types of Kratom available and how to use it for maximum benefits. Say goodbye to your chronic pain and hello to a new lease on life with Kratom!

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. The leaves of this plant are harvested and known for their medicinal properties that help ease different ailments. Kratom contains alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine which interact with the receptors in our brain to offer relief from pain, anxiety, depression and other health issues.

These days Kratom comes in various forms including powder, capsules or liquid extracts. However, traditional methods of consuming Kratom involve chewing on fresh leaves after removing the central vein or brewing them into tea. While it has been used for centuries in its native regions for several benefits such as boosting energy levels and improving mood; it has gained popularity worldwide because of its potential therapeutic uses.

Despite being a natural herb with numerous benefits; there have been concerns about its safety due to lack of regulation by authorities. It’s important to buy only from reputable sources and follow recommended dosages when using Kratom.

What is Myofascial Pain?

Myofascial pain is a chronic condition that affects the muscles and connective tissues in the body. It is characterized by localized areas of pain, tenderness, and stiffness, which can often be mistaken for other conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.

The primary cause of myofascial pain is thought to be trigger points in the muscles. These are small knots or areas of tightness that develop within the muscle tissue and can lead to referred pain throughout the body.

Symptoms of myofascial pain may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some people may experience mild discomfort while others may suffer from debilitating pain that limits their ability to perform daily activities.

Treatment for myofascial pain typically involves a combination of physical therapy, massage, and medication. Stretching exercises and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing can also help alleviate symptoms.

If left untreated, myofascial pain can worsen over time and lead to significant disability. Therefore it’s important to seek medical attention if you suspect you’re suffering from this condition.

How Does Kratom Help with Myofascial Pain?

Kratom has been known for its pain-relieving properties. It contains alkaloids that interact with the body’s opioid receptors, providing relief from various types of pain, including myofascial pain. Myofascial pain is a condition characterized by chronic muscle pain and discomfort in the connective tissues surrounding muscles.

Kratom helps to alleviate myofascial pain by reducing inflammation and relaxing tense muscles. The alkaloids present in Kratom help to block the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are responsible for causing inflammation in the affected area. This action reduces swelling and provides relief from acute as well as chronic myofascial pain.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Kratom also acts as an analgesic by binding to mu-opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord. This interaction leads to decreased perception of painful stimuli making it effective against chronic or severe forms of myofascial pains.

Moreover, Kratom’s sedative effects can help relax tensed-up muscles caused due to stress or physical strain which can further reduce symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS).

It is safe to conclude that Kratom may be a useful tool in treating different types of Myfocasical Pains but more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be made about its effectiveness against this condition.

The Different Types of Kratom

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, comes in various strains or types that differ based on their effects and the region they are grown. Each strain has a unique alkaloid profile that causes different physiological responses when consumed.

Some of the popular Kratom strains include Red Bali, Green Malay, Maeng Da, White Borneo, and Red Thai. The red vein strains are generally considered to be more sedating and effective in managing pain than green or white veins. On the other hand, white vein Kratom is said to provide an energizing effect while green veins offer a balance between relaxation and stimulation.

The differences between these variants can be attributed to varying levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine alkaloids found in each type. For instance, Red Bali has high levels of both compounds making it one of the most potent analgesics among Kratom varieties.

Green Malay is another widely used strain owing to its relatively longer-lasting effect compared to other greens; this makes it ideal for people dealing with chronic pain conditions like myofascial pain syndrome.

Maeng Da is one of the most popular Kratom strains globally due to its potent stimulating properties which make it useful for individuals seeking mood enhancement coupled with energy boost.

In conclusion: Different types of Kratom have varying effects depending on their chemical composition resulting from growing regions’ environmental factors such as soil quality and climate changes. It’s crucial always to research before choosing any type or dosage as some may work differently for your body than others.

How to Use Kratom for Myofascial Pain

When it comes to using Kratom for Myofascial Pain, there are a few things you need to consider. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that Kratom can be highly addictive if not used in moderation.

To start with, you should begin by choosing the right strain of Kratom for your pain. Some strains like Maeng Da or Red Bali are known to offer excellent pain relief properties while others like Green Malay or White Borneo may not be as effective.

Once you have decided on the right strain of Kratom, it’s important to take the correct dosage. Start with smaller amounts and gradually increase until you find the optimal amount that works best for your specific type of pain.

Another way to use Kratom is through topical application. You can make a paste out of powdered kratom mixed with water or oil and apply it directly onto affected areas.

It’s also crucially important never mix kratom with other medications without consulting your doctor first as this could lead to potentially dangerous interactions.

Using kratom for myofascial pain requires careful consideration but when done correctly under the guidance of healthcare professionals can provide much-needed relief from chronic discomfort.

Kratom Recipes

Kratom isn’t just an herb you can consume as a tea or capsule. It is versatile and can be used in various recipes to make it easier and more enjoyable to take than your standard tea or powder form.

One of the easiest ways to incorporate Kratom into your diet is by adding it to smoothies, shakes, or juices. Simply mix in 1-2 teaspoons of Kratom powder into your drink mixer with other ingredients like fruits, yogurt, honey, almond milk or cocoa powder for added flavor.

If you’re looking for something savory instead, try using Kratom as a seasoning ingredient when cooking meals like soups and stews. Its earthy taste blends well with spices such as ginger, turmeric and cumin!

Another way to use Kratom is by making capsules filled with the herb. This method allows for precise dosing without any bad taste involved! Capsules are easy to swallow too so that they might be helpful if you don’t enjoy teas nor powders.

If you’re feeling adventurous in baking then why not add kratom? Brownies are one example that has become increasingly famous over time among many bakers around the world! Just remember that whatever recipe you decide on using – always measure accurately since too much kratom may cause some discomforts while consuming it.


Kratom has been shown to be a promising natural remedy for treating Myofascial Pain. With its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with this condition.

However, as with any other medication or supplement, it’s important to consult with your doctor before using Kratom. It’s also essential to purchase Kratom from reputable sources and follow recommended dosages.

It’s also worth noting that while Kratom may provide relief for some people suffering from Myofascial Pain, it may not work for everyone. Therefore, if you experience persistent symptoms despite using Kratom or any other treatments prescribed by your doctor, seek further medical advice.